Monday, June 4, 2012


 Unlike Dave and Heather, our computer is revolting and making posts very the order is screwy and frustrating which means I'll have to continue posting one or two pictures at a time.  Sorry folks. 
Anyway, this began our afternoon...a dramatic setting for our first discussion led by Lawrence on the "Figure in Florentine Art" where we spent most of our time at Orsan Michele (sp?).  But the afternoon quickly moved to the fun stuff including serious conversation at the pub and then a fabulous dinner of pesto/pasta by Heather followed by INCREDIBLE cookies.  We (+ Lawrence) departed into the finest night yet in this city to enjoy a sunset walk home.  Pictures follow.
(I also just realized that this blog is not privy to students' parents so we can say whatever the heck we want...just so you know Dave... so do all the handstands you want.)

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